Organization’s Name

Contact Person


Zebranico Consulting Ltd

Michalis Ppekris



Main activities and initiative

in the biomass/

bioenergy field

Zebranico Consulting ltd operates in the plastic and paper recycling through subsidiary company. The activity took place between farmers and Local Government.

The potential APPR

Network in the region/country

  • Type of associates (for clusters and/or agrarian associations)

  • The main stakeholders you can involve in agrarian pruning and plantation removal (APPR) valorization (farmers, logistic companies, final consumers….)

Actions adherent is willing to transfer in his/her country

(please check on one or more boxes)

  • Experience exchange in treatment of agrarian pruning and plantation removal (APPR)
  • Exchange of ideas on the arrangement of chains: overcoming technical difficulties
  • Exchange of ideas on business based on APPR valorization
  • Key issues to implement successful chains based on APPR biomass
Next events uP_running partners can participate in his/her country

Reports, events, conference biomass-agricultural waste